5 pitfalls to avoid when your company goes through digital transformation

Digital Transformation

Unsurprisingly, especially since the  arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic, companies are increasingly riding the wave  of digital transformation to improve the customer experience and conquer new markets. While many of them are already digital, others are rushing to make the digital shift to gain agility and responsiveness.

But beware: we must not confuse speed with haste. Digitalisation is far from being a fad and is not simply a matter of creating a website.

The stakes go far beyond that, since it  is above all a question of the long-term survival of your company. It is therefore essential to rethink and reshape your internal organisation, so as  not to stumble along the way in a frantic race to digital transformation.

Let's take a closer look at the pitfalls to be avoided during the digital transformation of your company. 

Mistake no. 1: not anticipating a strategic vision for your company

A strategic vision of your company allows  you to obtain an overall picture of the direction you want to take. This fundamental step determines your ambitions and will lead to the goals you  want to achieve, as well as the method and means to achieve them. "Where  do you want your business to be in five years? " "What end goal are  you looking for?"

Establishing a clear strategic vision is  also the best way to motivate and engage your teams. If you don't know where  you're going, your employees won't follow you. How can you arouse their interest and  encourage them to achieve the new objectives if they are not precisely established  in advance?

It is therefore essential to project  yourself into the future to involve your employees and spread a digital culture in your company:

Explain to them the expected result by describing the company of tomorrow that you dream of

Clearly set out the changes that this  will entail in their daily lives and argue for them (time savings, smoother business processes via high-performance tools, etc.)

Think about the means and methods you are  going to put in place to make your digitalisation a success (use of business management software for better customer knowledge, web marketing concept for  connected prospecting, such as social selling, etc.)

Be pragmatic, draw up a simple and realistic plan, taking into account the resources and capabilities of your company.

Mistake no. 2: not being sufficiently involved with the teams

As a company director, don't lose sight of the fact that you are the conductor of the orchestra for implementing the digitalisation of your processes and managing your teams. Your willingness  and involvement are part of the key to successful digitalisation.

You must instil in your employees the desire for change, even if it means internal and external upheaval. It is true that this is a new exercise in the profession of business manager, but  you are the keystone of the digital transformation of your company. You will  have to make unique choices with determination and optimism, without giving  up at the first obstacle. 

In short, you must show all your employees that the digital shift is underway and that all the obstacles have  been removed, even if there are still a few hurdles to overcome in order to make your digital transformation a success.

Mistake no. 3: not putting the customer at the heart of the digital revolution

Mass marketing is on the decline, and  customers are put off by advertising hype. They are tired of intrusive and  aggressive approaches. It has given way to interactive, real-time marketing, where loyalty is a priority. The modern-day customer is demanding, wants to be recognised and is looking for consideration.

In such a context, the personalisation of  the customer relationship has become essential to engage them and build their  loyalty. But to achieve this, a good knowledge of the customer is essential  to place the target audience at the centre of its priorities. The use of powerful business management software is a formidable weapon that should not  be neglected in order to achieve this goal.

Indeed, CRM (Customer Management  Relationship) software is a toolbox that will facilitate marketing actions  and sales management. In particular, it allows you to record all interactions  between prospects and sales staff, to better satisfy your customers and build  loyalty. As the leads are integrated into your contact database with a  precise profile, the sales representative is able to offer them a  personalised product and/or service with a view to transforming this trial  into a purchase.

Mistake no. 4: imagining that the digitalisation of your company can be done without  people 

This is a preconceived notion that should  be banished! Digitalisation is not just a matter of good tools. Even with the  most functional CRM, the human element is (and remains) the differentiating  factor. Digital must not be seen as a bulwark to limit contact with the customer, but as a tool for communication and exchange.

Hence the importance of involving and rallying  your teams to move from mistrust and constraint to trust and responsibility. Each employee of the company must be able to contribute to building the  company in order to be a full-fledged player in the digital transformation of  their company.

Mistake no. 5: neglecting internal employee training

You can't run your business alone, at the  risk of failing along the way and sinking before you've even taken your first digital steps! Once again, the digitalisation of your company requires the support and participation of your employees.

For generation Y, born between 1980 and 1995, or generation Z who grew up with broadband and smartphones, using digital tools is child's play: the same is not necessarily true for baby  boomers!

To initiate the organisational change of going digital, it is essential to train your employees. Their training should not be considered as an expense, but as a real investment to gain in agility and performance!

As each employee is unique, not everyone uses  digital tools at the same level. It is therefore imperative to listen to them to understand their expectations, but also to anticipate their future needs. By involving each of your employees, you reinforce the company culture and create a climate of trust.

Let's summarise.

Change is a real challenge for a company, and digital transformation is no exception. In a new paradigm, where customers demand innovation and a more human relationship, the digitalisation of the company is essential to make its brand shine and stand out from the competition.

To master their ecosystem, company managers must anticipate individual resistance, change work habits and open up to collective intelligence. It is indeed imperative to develop collaborative work in order to make gains in responsiveness and flexibility via high-performance digital tools.

Learn more about the key steps for a successful digital transformation