Importing data into Sellsy has never been easier...

Many of you expected a more flexible procedure for importing data on Sellsy.
To solve this complex need, our development teams have completely redesigned the import mechanism. Without going into technical details, the new platform includes highly anticipated features:
- Clients + addresses + contacts + custom fields import is done in one pass
- Processing is now delayed: the user is notified by email when the import is done.
- It is now possible to cancel the import in case of problems (rollback)
- No more problems relating to volumes of imports, even in update mode
- Import up to 10000 lines (this value will be increased gradually)
- A new interface allows you to view the history of imports and changes made
Read our FAQ for the gory details and glorious options
What about other imports (products, opportunities, inventory ...)?
The new import platform is first proposed for clients and contacts import, that caused most problems in everyday life, especially because of the import procedure steps.
We will listen to your comments on this new platform while beginning to incorporate other types of imports, which should appear gradually in 2016.
With this excellent technical basis we will then add new import options, such as tasks or calendar events for example.